An Integrated approach to the Enforcement of Socio-Economic Rights: Enforcing ECOSOC Rights through Civil and Political Rights
Nearly three decades have elapsed since the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) has been adopted and entered into force. However, the lack of clarity in the wordings of the document coupled with the weaker terms of obligation it puts on states parties and the concomitant confusion as to the legal status of socio-economic rights have contributed to the weak record in the implementation of the rights in the real life of societies in the respective states parties to the covenant. This short article is intended to explore the possibilities of enforcing socio-economic rights by integrating them with civil and political rights which enjoy relatively good level of protection. I will argue that while the integrated approach has its own inherent limitations and cannot be the ultimate solution to the problem of non-enforcement of socioeconomic rights, it has also immense potential for the enforcement of socio-economic rights as illustrated by the work of some national, regional and international judicial and quasi-judicial organs.