Women’s Contraceptive Use, Fertility Intention, and Associated Factors: Evidence from Health and Demographic Surveillance System, Eastern Ethiopia
Background: Improving maternal health condition is a critical global health concern. But in 2012, 222 million women
who want to avoid pregnancy are not using contraceptives in developing countries. The main purpose of this study
was to assess women’s contraceptive use and fertility intention, and the associated factors in eastern Ethiopia.
Methods: Community based survey was conducted among 2,072 women (15-49 years) in Harar Health Demographic
Surveillance System (HDSS) site in eastern Ethiopia. Data were gathered by trained data collectors, and entered into
computer based software and exported to Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 for analysis.
Descriptive, binary and multiple logistic regression analysis were carried out. A statistical association was declared
using adjusted odds ratio at 95% confidence interval and p values <0.05.
Results: Almost all the women (99.5%, n=2,061) have ever heard about family planning methods. Health professionals
(62.1%, n=1286) were the main source of information about the family planning methods. The women who had ever
used contraceptive and who were using currently (during study period) were 89.4% (1,853) and 73.0% (n=1512),
respectively. Injectable method (52.3%) was the most popular method, followed by pills (24.8%). Implanon, Intrauterine
contraceptive device and surgical methods were used 15.5%, 2.1% and 0.2%, respectively. Forty seven percent of the
women had no desire to have a baby in the next two years. The women’s age ranged 30-39 years (AOR =0.49; 95%
CI: 0.37, 0.64), women’s age ranged from 40-49 years (AOR=0.25; 95% CI: 0.18, 0.35), women unable to unable to
read and write (AOR=0.64; 95% CI: 0.50, 0.84), women who had >2 alive children (AOR=0.28; 95% CI: 0.13, 0.57)
had significant association with their contraceptive use. Also, women’s age ranged 30-39 years (AOR=0 .68; 95% CI:
0.54, 0.85), women’s age ranged from 40-49 years (AOR=0.24; 95% CI: 0.17, 0.32), women who had no alive children
(AOR=5.42; 95% CI: 1.59, 18.46) and had <2 alive children (AOR=2.42; 95% CI: 1.22, 4.82) were significantly
associated with women’s fertility intention.
Conclusion: The women’s contraceptive use and an intention not to have a baby were high compared with 2016
EDHS report of Harari Regional State. The study participants’ age, educational status, and having alive children were
the factors associated with their contraceptive use and fertility intention. Therefore, we recommend that concerned
stakeholders focus on the associated factors to address the contraceptive use and realize the women’s fertility intention.
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