Population Status, Distribution and Habitat Association of Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus) in Chebera Churchura National Park, Southwestern Ethiopia

  • Adane Tsegaye
  • Afework Bekele
  • M Balakrishnan
Keywords: Chebera Churchura National Park, Distribution, Habitat association, Population structure, Sex ratio, Waterbuck.



As part of ecological studies of larger mammals in Chebera Churchura National Park, southwestern Ethiopia, population, distribution and habitat association of the waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus were studied during wet and dry seasons of 2013–2014. Representative transects across the main habitat types such as wooded grasslands, woodlands, montane forests and riparian habitats were randomly laid and counts were carried out in around 20% of the total area of the park. The estimated population of waterbuck in the park was 577 individuals. Males comprised 29.06%, while females 50.13%. Male to female sex ratio was 1.00: 1.72. Age structure was dominated by adults, which constituted 55.65% of the total population, followed by sub-adults (23.50%) and calves (21.06%). Larger herds of up to 20 individuals were observed during the dry season, while smaller groups of up to 3 individuals were common during the wet season. The mean group size was 13 during the dry season and 5 during the wet season. They were mostly observed in the woodland vegetation type around 1–2 km distance from permanent water source. The presence of water, abundance of food, vegetation cover and topographic features for predator avoidance were major factors governing the distribution of waterbucks in the study area.


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