• Paulos Getachew
  • Melaku Umeta
  • Negussie Retta
  • Tilahun Bekele
  • Gulelat Desse Haki
Keywords: Germination, Lupinus albus, Roasting, Soaking.


Lupine seeds (Lupinus albus L.) growing in two different agro-ecological zones of Ethiopia (Dangla and Chagni) were traditionally
processed to evaluate the changes in their nutritional status and anti-nutritional factors. The traditional processing methods included roasting
followed by soaking; boiling followed by soaking and germination. In all the methods, the whole seed and the kernel were compared. Moisture, crude
protein, crude fat, crude fiber, crude ash, utilizable carbohydrates and gross energy for raw seeds which were obtained from Dangla were 6.94%, 37.87%, 9.34%, 11.08%, 2.80%, 38.92% and 391.19 Kcal/100 gm, respectively. The values for seeds from Chagni were 8.04%, 39.71%, 8.79%, 11.07%, 2.90%,37.56% and 388.12 Kcal/100 gm, respectively. The total alkaloid and phytate contents of the Dangla seeds were 2.46% and 144.33 mg/100 gm and 2.26% and 143.96 mg/100 gm, respectively for Chagni seeds. In roasted and soaked seeds, the alkaloid level was significantly (p<0.05) reduced and de-hulling reduced the anti-nutritional factors effectively. Phytate was significantly reduced during germination and generally the levels of protein, fat, and total energy were found to increase.


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