• Yigardu Mulatu
  • Masresha Fetene
Keywords: Afroalpine bamboo, Landform, Slope.


Three landforms were evaluated for their effect on stand structure, growth and yield of Arundinaria alpina K. Schum in the Choke
Mountain, northwest Ethiopia. Parameters on stand characteristics and soil properties were assessed. The landforms were (1) 5-15% level to sloping
land, (2) 40-60% straight slope (ridge) and (3) 40-60% concave slope (valley). Altitude ranged from 2,870 to 2,938 m a.s.l. All parameters on stand
characteristics, except the number of plants per hectare and shoot recruitment rate, were higher in the lower slope position (40-60% concave slope). On the other hand, except clay content and soil moisture, chemical soil properties had similar or better status on 5-15% level to sloping land followed by 40-60% straight slope. Significantly bigger diameter (average 8.4 cm) and emerging height culms (average 15 m) with high growth rate (average
maximum of 43 cm day -1 ) and high biomass (117 t ha -1 ) were obtained in 40-60% concave slope landform. Hence, it can be concluded that landform is more influential than nutrient availability for performance of A. alpina in the Choke Mountain. Consequently, future bamboo afforestation practices are advised to focus primarily on 40-60% concave slope landform. The 40-60% straight slope is the second most important site for expanding A. alpina. Moreover, valleys and ridges are not suitable for annual crop production due to their steep slope. Therefore, superior performance of bamboo on these sites can be excellent opportunity for the area and the community.


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