Readability Level Assessment of Modules Prepared at Abbi Addi College of Teacher Education

  • Mehari Yimulaw


The objective of the study was to assess four selected modules’ readability levels. These were modules of the courses Teaching in Ethiopian Context (PS1 111), Gender and Life Skills (PS4 111), General English (Enla 101) and English in Use (Enla 111) at Abbiyi Addi College of Teacher Education. The readability levels of the modules (computed using the Fog Index Readability formula) were found to be 10, 15.6,12 and 11 for PS1 111, PS4 111, Enla 101 and Enla 111 respectively. The comprehension levels of the learners (assessed using cloze test) were 33.17, 29.53, 27.61 and 22.15 for PS1-111, PS4111, Enla 101 and Enla 111 respectively. These put all students’ comprehension levels of the modules under category of frustration level. Instructors and students (who were using the modules) measures of the modules’ readability (measured using readability checklist) revealed that the modules were of lower quality. Hence, revision of the modules in terms of content, language and design is recommended.


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