• Habtegiorgis BerhaneGetahun


Altruism is the quintessence of prosocial behaviour. When used in its
most restricted sense, it denotes self-sacrifice. When more broadly applied it connotes
co-operation, generosity, concern for others, and helping behaviour. Attribution of
altruistic behaviour among first year college students was examined. The Prosocial
Motivation Questionnaire (PSMQj, an instrument based on hypothetical situations
about evaluative standards operative in prosocial behaviour, was used to assess
subjects'(Ss') preference for six prosocial motives: hedonism, self-interest, conformity,
task-orientation, others-orientation, and empathy. Four hundred and one freshman
students (20 J females and 200 males) were studied. It was found out that motives of
hedonism, self-interest and conformity were rated low by all Ss. Female Ss have
shown more preference to empathy and task-orientation than male Ss. Urban }emale
Ss have endorsed more task-orientation, others-orientation and empathy than rural
and male urban Ss. Induction or explanation and preference to empathy aI"e found
correlating. Family size and socio-economic status and altruistic mq(ives are found
related. Rural origin Ss have shown preferehces to hedonistic and self-interest
motives. Ss of the humanities, arts, and medicine are found preferring more to
motives of task-orientation, confomism and hedonism.


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