Current Issue
Literature shows more of the world population turns to coffee consumption particularly Latin America, India
and China. Demand for the beverage is estimated to increase by nearly 25% over the coming five years.
On the other hand, global coffee production and supply is very unlikely to increase due to many factors.
To fill the expected gap between production and consumption, Ethiopia has a better opportunity. Current
productivity per hectare is about 647 kg which is lower than in many growing countries. Eventually, the
research developed 42 coffee verities among which 35 are selections and seven of them are hybrids. As
different coffee husbandry technologies enable to boost coffee production and productivity many agronomic
practices are generated and recommended along with coffee varieties. Major coffee diseases like (Coffee
Berry Disease, Coffee Wilt Disease and Coffee Leaf Rust) management options are also the knowledge
developed by research. Integrated weed management practice developed to mitigate weed infestation from
coffee farms enables us to reduce 65% yield loss. Among coffee quality maintenance technologies developed
is altitude based fermentation time. For altitudes 1200, 1200-1500, and >1800 meter above sea level
recommended 24, 24-48 and 48-72 hours fermentation period respectively. Improved coffee seed production
also remains the responsibility of the research. In this regard, until now, about 300,000 kg of improved seed
supplied in which estimated to cover about 300,000 hectares of land. Despite these all technologies, there
is a wide productivity gap among the research, modern plantation, and the national average productivity.
Even though developed technologies made considerable contributions to coffee production, productivity, and
quality improvement in Ethiopia a lot is remaining. The national average productivity only reached 30%
of the research results. This big gap in productivity range requires a wide utilization of research output
by development is crucial. Actually, this demands: (1) Aggressive scaling-up of proven technologies (2)
Managing coffee stands through mobilizing coffee sector rehabilitation and wide utilization of technologies
(3) Addressing research in unaddressed areas (4) Establish & support sustainable coffee seed system (5)
Establish viable extension system and consolidate the relationship of research and extension so that existing
technology can be disseminated. In general, the major interest of this review paper is to bold out the outputs
of existing national coffee research and to clearly show the gap between research results and development
wing. On the other hand, it will try to show how concerted efforts should be made to improve both the volume
and quality of coffee to the expected result to increased export revenue to the country.