The Perplexity of Scholars: Media Relationships in Ethiopia: Exploring the Implications of the Democratization of the Nation

  • Asmamaw Addis
  • Mustofa Worku
Keywords: Media participation, public - scholars, democratization, journalist


The role of media in democracy has been understood in terms of providing the general public with
information on what the voters have for the public, how politicians behave, and how citizens increase
their political participation. Scholars’ media participation has been insignificant in the democratization
process of Ethiopia despite its divergent interpretations in previous studies. Scholars’ media participation
in Ethiopia highly waning and waxing from time to time. Therefore, the objective of this exploratory
research is to examine the intricate relationships between scholars and media in Ethiopia. The research
is mainly qualitative: Sixteen key informants were interviewed from both media people and publicscholars.
And three FGDs were held with journalists and public-scholars. The findings have shown
that the scholar-media relationship has been weakening because of the following major factors: media
credibility went down, there are abusive uses of scholars’ opinions and expressions by the media,
there is intolerance of criticisms by the government, and thus polarized political ideologies have been
practiced by many scholars and the media.


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