Nicknaming Instructors: What is in it for Instructional Communication?

  • Alemayehu Debebe


This study explored the bases of students‟ nicknaming of their instructors in relation to provisions of student-centered learning. The objective of the study is to identify sources of nicknaming and their implications to the teaching-learning scenario. Participants of the study were selected from among the second year pre-school teacher trainees of the Kotebe College of Teacher Education (extension program). Eight (5 female and 3 male) students within the age range of 18-25 years were included in the study on a voluntary basis. After identification of the participants was made, the students took part in a focus group discussion. Results obtained from the focus group discussion indicated that nicknaming instructors is mainly directed towards either how well or poorly an instructor handles his/her teaching responsibilities in general and encouraging participatory learning in particular.


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