Practices of Promotion and Strategies of Staff Retention in Public and Private HEIs

  • Bekalu Atnafu


Promotion and strategies of staff retention are aspects of every institutional policy. These policies are important because they might show underlying activities of the institution's program. The focus of this study is to explore practices of promotion and strategies of staff retention in private and public higher education institutions. Having this objective, samples were taken from both private and public higher education institutions in Addis Ababa. Questionnaires were distributed for both lecturers and administrative deans of the sample colleges. For comparing the data obtained from the sample subjects, both descriptive and inferential statistics measures were used. Thus, F at 0.05 and above were considered as significant whereas F below 0.05 were insignificant. Consequently, the findings of the study showed that there were significant variations in practices of promotion and strategies of staff retention between private and public colleges/university colleges.


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