Lifelong Learning and Ethiopian Satellite Television Instruction: Missing Links
The major purpose of this paper was to investigate the relationship between lifelong learning and Ethiopian satellite television instruction from the theoretical and practical points of view so as to indicate the way to forward. To achieve the stated objectives, secondary data were collected from empirical and theoretical literatures. Inductive method of reasoning was employed to review the different literatures. The find revealed that Satellite TV instruction is applicable antithetically to lifelong learning. Satellite TV instruction is theoretically useful and practically the cause of students‟ learning difficulties in Ethiopian Secondary Schools since it is developed and use with the old educational philosophy and practices. The paper identified that satellite TV cannot sustain as a direct instructional system. But, it can be a useful instructional material that can facilitate learning. Thus, the best option is to intervene the learning orientation from the design of instructional systems (controlling learning) to a learning field vis-à-vis lifelong learning that seeks to create learning environment in which learner can explore (facilitate learning).
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