Building Good Citizenship through Relevant Strategies: Key Remarks on the Instructional Process of Civic and Ethical Education

  • Mulugeta Yayeh
Keywords: Community service learning, Experiential learning, Good Citizenship, whole school events.


Citizenship education is universally recognized as an invaluable approach in building up good citizenship. As a result, it has become the principal concern of the education system of many countries particularly as of the 1990s. In Ethiopia, citizenship education (Civics and Ethical Education) has embraced a central position in the country‟s education system. Nevertheless, many studies conducted on civics and ethical education, both at national and international levels, indicated that the aspiration of nations to buildup good citizens through formal citizenship education has not been satisfactorily achieved due to the prevalence of different problems. One of such problems is the inability of grassroots level practitioners to employ appropriate strategies in the implementation stage of the subject. Hence, this article deals with this problem with the aim of illuminating some important thoughts for its grassroots level practitioners. To that end, strategies that should accompany the teaching learning process of Civics and Ethical Education, both at the classroom and outside the classroom, are fairly dealt with. These include the establishment of democratic school organization and administration, flexible curriculum and timetable, the meaningful involvement of all actors of Civics and Ethical Education, the utilization of democratic, deliberative, participatory and dynamic teaching-learning methods in classrooms and experiential learning (whole school events and community service learning) outside classrooms.


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