Enhancing Students' Involvement
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Goble, Norman M. and James F. Proter (1977), Ttle Changing Role of the Teacher. United Kingdom: Neer Publishing Company Lted.
Lawton, Josephy T. and Nancy Fowell (1978), "Effects of Advance Organizers on Pre-school Children's Learning of Maths Concepts."
Journal of Experimental Education. Vol. 47, No. 00. 323-331 .
Moore, Kenneth D. (1995), Classroom Teaching Skill. New York:McGraw Hill, Inc.
Perrott, Elizabeth (1987), Effective Teaching: A praotical Guide to Improving your Teaching. London: Langman Group Ltd. Criteria." In Smith B. Othanel (1971), Research in Teacher Education: A Symposium. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Inc. pp. 37-72.
Schuck, Robert F. (1981), "The Impact of Set Induction on Student Achievement and Retention." The ยท Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 74, pp. 227-2232.
Stones,. E .. (1979), Psychopedagogy; Psychological Theory and the Practice of Teaching. London: Methuen and Company, Ltd.
Wyckoff, W.L., (1973), "The Effect of Stimulus variation on Learning from Lecture". The Journal of Experimental Education. Vol. 41 , No.~3,
Brophy, Jerre (1992), Advances in Research on Teaching: Planning al)d Managing Learning Tasks and Activities. Greenwich: JAI press,
Inc .
Rush, Andrew J., et., al. (1977), "An Empirical Investigation of Teacher Clarity." Journal of Teacher Education. Vol., 38, No. 2, pp. 53-58.
Cole, Peter G. and K.S. Chan (1994), Teaching Principles and Practice New York: Prentice Hall.
Goble, Norman M. and James F. Proter (1977), Ttle Changing Role of the Teacher. United Kingdom: Neer Publishing Company Lted.
Lawton, Josephy T. and Nancy Fowell (1978), "Effects of Advance Organizers on Pre-school Children's Learning of Maths Concepts."
Journal of Experimental Education. Vol. 47, No. 00. 323-331 .
Moore, Kenneth D. (1995), Classroom Teaching Skill. New York:McGraw Hill, Inc.
Perrott, Elizabeth (1987), Effective Teaching: A praotical Guide to Improving your Teaching. London: Langman Group Ltd. Criteria." In Smith B. Othanel (1971), Research in Teacher Education: A Symposium. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, Inc. pp. 37-72.
Schuck, Robert F. (1981), "The Impact of Set Induction on Student Achievement and Retention." The ยท Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 74, pp. 227-2232.
Stones,. E .. (1979), Psychopedagogy; Psychological Theory and the Practice of Teaching. London: Methuen and Company, Ltd.
Wyckoff, W.L., (1973), "The Effect of Stimulus variation on Learning from Lecture". The Journal of Experimental Education. Vol. 41 , No.~3,