Peer Review of Instructional Practice at Colleges: A Perspective on the Professional Development of Instructors

  • Solomon Amare


This study set out to investigate the nature and the level of cognitive complexity of questions that teachers ask in the classroom. Primarily informed by the value the concept of a "reflective practitioner" , the study involved one instructor of English who volunteered to participate in the research . The instructor's class was recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the observation technique known as "selective verbatim" which was developed by Achenson and Gall (1989) and the Taxonomy of Cognitive
Difficulty of Questions developed by Thomas Barret. Analysis of the instructor's questions revealed that he posed a total of 88 questions in an hour. Most of these (71.5%) were lower cognitive questions and only very few of them (3.4%) were real higher cognitive questions - a finding consistent with the research literature. Further analysis made by reflecting on the data secured led to some major observations and feedback. The feedback was intentionally used in the subsequent lessons and a second recording and analysis revealed the improvements in questioning techniques and the influences on the quality of classroom interaction. Finally, implications for practice and in sights with regard to professional development were drawn both from the findings and the experiences of participating in the study.


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