The Potentials of Information Technology in Education
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Buck.Emden, R. and Galimow J. (1996). SAP R/3 SYSTEM: A Client/Server Technology. Harlow: Addison-Wesley.
Collins, Allan (1996). Reflections on Computing in Classrooms. In Fisher Charles, Dwyer David C. and Yocam Keith (Eds.), Education and Technology. San
Francisco: Jossey-Boss Publishers.
Curtis, G. (1995). Business Information Systems: Analysis Design and Practice. London: Addison-Wesley Publishers Ltd.
Discover the World Wide Web with your Sportster, Sams Net, PP 1-23, 1996.
Freyenfeld, Bill and Mitson, Alan (1996), IT in Schools: A Computer Bulletin Special Supplement, (Internet source).
Hopkins, John D., New Technology, and Future Dimension of the University: The Database on Higher Education in Europe Launching Conference,
Florence, Italy, 17-1.9 May 1996. At:
Lockard, Abrams and Many (1997). Microcomputers for twenty~first Century Educators, Longman.
Morrison, James. A Perspective on Technology in Higher Education: An Interview with John Harrison. At: horizon. unc. edultslcommentary/ .
New Ways in Educational System. URL: http://www. 2000-k/chapOB. html
Report on National Science Foundation (NSF) Workshop, Information Technology: A Workshop on its Impact on Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science,
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, April 18-20, 1996.
Sandholtz, Haymore Judith; Ringstaff, Cathy and Dawyer David, 1997C, Teaching with Technology: . Creating stuc,tent-Centered Classrooms, Teachers
College Press, New York and London.
__ . (1997). Teaching with Technology: Creating Student-CentereeJ Classrooms, New Yor,k: Te.acher,s College Press.
Sawyer S C , Williams , B. K. and Hutchinson , S. E. (1997). Using Information Technology: A practical Introduction to Computers and Communications. Chicago: Irwin Inc.
Simonson, Michael R , and Thompson , Ann. (1997) Educational Computing Foundations, Printice Hall Inc.
Vught, FA Van, 1997 Information Technology: The next step in the development of Academic Institutions, Seminar on Virtual Mobility.
Zia, Lee L. and Mulder, Michael C., (1998) Information Technology Its Impact on Undergraduate Education in Science: Report on NSF Workshop.
Collins, Allan (1996). Reflections on Computing in Classrooms. In Fisher Charles, Dwyer David C. and Yocam Keith (Eds.), Education and Technology. San
Francisco: Jossey-Boss Publishers.
Curtis, G. (1995). Business Information Systems: Analysis Design and Practice. London: Addison-Wesley Publishers Ltd.
Discover the World Wide Web with your Sportster, Sams Net, PP 1-23, 1996.
Freyenfeld, Bill and Mitson, Alan (1996), IT in Schools: A Computer Bulletin Special Supplement, (Internet source).
Hopkins, John D., New Technology, and Future Dimension of the University: The Database on Higher Education in Europe Launching Conference,
Florence, Italy, 17-1.9 May 1996. At:
Lockard, Abrams and Many (1997). Microcomputers for twenty~first Century Educators, Longman.
Morrison, James. A Perspective on Technology in Higher Education: An Interview with John Harrison. At: horizon. unc. edultslcommentary/ .
New Ways in Educational System. URL: http://www. 2000-k/chapOB. html
Report on National Science Foundation (NSF) Workshop, Information Technology: A Workshop on its Impact on Teaching and Learning in Undergraduate Science,
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, April 18-20, 1996.
Sandholtz, Haymore Judith; Ringstaff, Cathy and Dawyer David, 1997C, Teaching with Technology: . Creating stuc,tent-Centered Classrooms, Teachers
College Press, New York and London.
__ . (1997). Teaching with Technology: Creating Student-CentereeJ Classrooms, New Yor,k: Te.acher,s College Press.
Sawyer S C , Williams , B. K. and Hutchinson , S. E. (1997). Using Information Technology: A practical Introduction to Computers and Communications. Chicago: Irwin Inc.
Simonson, Michael R , and Thompson , Ann. (1997) Educational Computing Foundations, Printice Hall Inc.
Vught, FA Van, 1997 Information Technology: The next step in the development of Academic Institutions, Seminar on Virtual Mobility.
Zia, Lee L. and Mulder, Michael C., (1998) Information Technology Its Impact on Undergraduate Education in Science: Report on NSF Workshop.