Gender Difference in Writing Self-Efficacy and Performance In Writing: The Case of Adama University Entering Students
The Primary purpose of this study was to find out if there were gender differences in writing self -efficacy and performance in writing
among adama university entering students. The largest population was 2004/2005 entries of the University. A sample of 204 students was selected
by applying' systematic random sampling technique. Out of this, 190 students were considered. Writing self- efficacy scale was employed based
on Bandura's (2001)" Guideline for Constructing Self-efficacy Scale". This scale was used as in Pajares and Johnson (1996). Consistent with
procedures used by self-efficacy researchers, a teacher made composition test was administered right after the students rated the scale. The
composition was rated and scored by two experts using Holistic ESL Composition Profile. The criteria for scoring were the same as those on
which students were asked to assess their writing self- efficacy. Strong positive correlation was found between writing self-efficacy and performance
in writing. The mean scores revealed that boys were favored for both of the variables.
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