Education and Nomadic Pastoralism in Ethiopia
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Ahmed,C (1990). The Challenges of Basic Education for All. Prospects. Vol.xi,No.4
Awogbade.M.O (1991). Nomadism and Pastoralism: a Conceptual Framework in G.Tahir (ed) Education and Pastorlism in Nigera.
Zaria:Ahmadu Bello University press.
Dawit Abebe (2000). Pastoralism and Agro Pastoralism Past and Present paper presented in the proceeding of the 8th annual conference of
Ethiopian society of Animal production. August 24-26, Addis Ababa
Ezeomah,C( 1995). Basic Issues on Nomadic Education in Africa paper presented at the UNESCO regional seminar on the Education of
nomadic population in Africa. Kaduna: Nigeria
Getachew Kassa,(2001). Among the Pastoral Afars in Ethiopia:Tradition, Continuality and Socio Economic Change. Netherlands:
International book.
Hogg,R ( 1997). Pastoralists, Ethnicity and the state in Ethiopia .London: Hoan Publishing.
Melakou Tegegn(2002). Poverty Reduction Strategy and Pastoral Development. Proceedings of the Second National Conference on
Pastoral Development in Ethiopia; Pastoral Forum Ethiopia. A.A
Shebeshi Degefe and G.Kidane (1995). Nomadic Education in Ethiopia. In Ezeomah(ed), The Education of Nomadic population in Africa.
Tafesse (2000). What should a Pastoral Development Strategy Constitute towards Poverty Reduction among Pastoral Communities in Ethiopia.
Proceedings of the second National conference on pastoral development in Ethiopia: Pastoral Forum Ethiopia: A.A.
UNESCO /IIEP (2002). The Education of Nomadic Population in Ethiopia. UNESCO/ICBA. A.A: Ethiopia.
WCEA(1990). World Declaration of Education for all and Framework for Action to Meet the Basic Learning Needs Jomfien: Thailand.
Ethiopia. Feb,2 2002 A.A
Ahmed,C (1990). The Challenges of Basic Education for All. Prospects. Vol.xi,No.4
Awogbade.M.O (1991). Nomadism and Pastoralism: a Conceptual Framework in G.Tahir (ed) Education and Pastorlism in Nigera.
Zaria:Ahmadu Bello University press.
Dawit Abebe (2000). Pastoralism and Agro Pastoralism Past and Present paper presented in the proceeding of the 8th annual conference of
Ethiopian society of Animal production. August 24-26, Addis Ababa
Ezeomah,C( 1995). Basic Issues on Nomadic Education in Africa paper presented at the UNESCO regional seminar on the Education of
nomadic population in Africa. Kaduna: Nigeria
Getachew Kassa,(2001). Among the Pastoral Afars in Ethiopia:Tradition, Continuality and Socio Economic Change. Netherlands:
International book.
Hogg,R ( 1997). Pastoralists, Ethnicity and the state in Ethiopia .London: Hoan Publishing.
Melakou Tegegn(2002). Poverty Reduction Strategy and Pastoral Development. Proceedings of the Second National Conference on
Pastoral Development in Ethiopia; Pastoral Forum Ethiopia. A.A
Shebeshi Degefe and G.Kidane (1995). Nomadic Education in Ethiopia. In Ezeomah(ed), The Education of Nomadic population in Africa.
Tafesse (2000). What should a Pastoral Development Strategy Constitute towards Poverty Reduction among Pastoral Communities in Ethiopia.
Proceedings of the second National conference on pastoral development in Ethiopia: Pastoral Forum Ethiopia: A.A.
UNESCO /IIEP (2002). The Education of Nomadic Population in Ethiopia. UNESCO/ICBA. A.A: Ethiopia.
WCEA(1990). World Declaration of Education for all and Framework for Action to Meet the Basic Learning Needs Jomfien: Thailand.