Assessment on the Socio-Economic Significance and Management of Woynwuha Natural Forest, Northwest Ethiopia

  • Temesgen Mekonen Department of Soil Resources and Watershed Management, Gambella University
  • Belayneh Ayele College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • Yeshanew Ashagrie Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara
Keywords: Socio-economic Significance, Forest Management Problems, Woynwuha Natural Forest


A study was conducted in Woynwuha natural forest, Goncha Siso Enesie district, North West Ethiopia to assess the socio-economic significance and management of the Woynwuha natural forest. Data has been collected from 50 randomly selected households through questionnaire and key informant interview. The household socioeconomic data analysis result indicated that identified constraints for the conservation of the forest stand were stoniness of the land, lack of awareness of the community, heavy dependence on the forest products, illegal cutting, expansion of farm land towards the forest estate, open and free grazing, forest fire and lack of budget for forest development works. In order to better conserve the Woynwuha natural forest from further degradation, appropriate forest management planning has to be formulated and emphasis should be given towards educating the local community.


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