10 October 2021
Vol 4 No 2 (2021)Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development (JESSD) is a multidisciplinary international journal for all those concerned with equity in sciences and sustainable development. The journal's contents reveal its integrative approach including original research articles, discussion of research notes, short communications, and critical book/article reviews. Manuscripts to be submitted in the journal are critically relevant to the advancement of theories, and body of knowledge/literature. The decision for the submission including accepting, rejecting, or revision is the result of double anonymized reviews by at least two expert referees.
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2022
Vol 5 No 1 (2022)The issue contains 5 research articles and one article review which focuses on the nutritional analysis of juice and citric acid content of Sweet Lemon, Lime, Pineapple, and Mango; advancement of Solar Cell Nano Technology in harvesting Clean Energy; measurement of physicochemical and bacteriological excellence effect of treated water. The issue also contains important articles which address the role of women in the indigenous peace-building process, the traditional tolerance of diversity in the Islam community, and the challenges of an integrated functional adult literacy curriculum.