Prominent Factors Frustrating Trainees in Teacher Education Colleges: The Case of Jimma and Nekemte Teachers Colleges in Oromia

  • Aseffa Tafa


 This research was designed to identify factors that were frustrating to teacher trainees. Six categories of factors were selected. These were categories related to students, instructors, courses, assessment, facilities and administrative services. The subjects were taken from Jimma and Nekemte Teachers College in Oromia Regional State. Data-gathering instruments were rating scale and open-ended questions developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed using mean scores and raw scores. The findings revealed that the three most frustrating categories of factors were those related to teachers, assessment and facilities. Further analysis of the factors in each category showed a large number of factors to be frustrating to the trainees. Finally, based on the findings, suggestions to minimize the frustrating factors were forwarded.


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