• Hailom Banteyerga


This paper is based on the practices implemented in the
training of EFL teachers by the Department of Foreign Languages and
Literature. Self appraisal is found to be a central factor in the
professional development of teachers. In the absence of self appraisal
mechanisms, it is observed that external appraisal would not be of
Significant help to trainees. Self appraisal mechanisms are trainable. They
create the necessary conditions for learning 'and self development. They
also promote self confidence and ope,n mindedness. Moreover, they
prepare trainees to accommodate external appraisal as a resource for
professional growth. The major role of the trainer is to stimulate the
trainee teacher to realise and develop hislher self appraisal mechanisms.
This paper briefly describes the attempts made in the 1993-4 practicum to
help student-teachers understand themselves and their practices as
teachers of English. Observation, Inquiry, ReflectiOn, and Action were
the main compor;ents of the training programmfl.. The results of the
training strategy show that trainees learn different instructional and
management skills ·.reasonably well. They also generated teaching skills
that are thought to be effective ff>r learning English in the classroom.
The trainers and the institutions involved in the training 01 student
teachers also benefited from this strategy of training. They were able to
get authentic feedback about the effectiveness of (heir programmes in
teaching English. However, the observations showed that trai~ees'facility
in the use of English was inadequate. This affected their instructional and
managerial flexibility. Thus, it is recommended that special attention
should be given to language development activities.


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