Trainee Evaluations on Major Area Course Offerings

  • Zeleke Demilew


This study was undertaken to find out whether or not the
diploma trainees of the Department of English of the Kotebe College of
Teacher Education (KCTE) attach varying value judgments to the major area
courses that their department offers them. Trainees who joined the department
in the first semester of 199~/94 were asked to evaluate the courses that they
took over the following four semesters on three counts - Level of Difficulty,
Relevance of Teaching English in Schools, and Level of Interest. They were
also requested to indicate the grades' they expected to score in their courses
each semester. The results show (1) the trainees attached significantly
differing value judgments to the courses on all the three counts, (2) for eleven
of the fourteen courses a significant correlation was observed between grades
expected and grades obtained, and (3) each of these was found to have
significant relation with the level of difficulty ratings.


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