Expressed Beliefs and Actual Classroom Practices of High School English Teachers Concerning Error Correction

  • Abiy Yigzaw


This study attempted to ferret out what high school
English teachers say they do and what they actually do
regarding error correction. A questionnaire was distributed and
teachers' actual classroom teaching was videotaped. The results
of the questionnaire, which were analysed employing Pearson's
Correlation Co-efficient and t-test procedures, indicated that the
teachers stated that they corrected all types of errors equally
wherever they found them. In their actual teaching, however,
error correction was not one of their major classroom activities.
Finally, it was concluded that the discrepancy in what they said
and they did may affect their teaching. It was recommended
that high school English teachers develop self-awareness
through critical reflection of what they did in light of what they
thought they did regarding error correction; responsible
authorities provide training opportunities; and teachers
experience school-based team discussions.


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