Early Nineteenth Century Oromo Childhood Reminiscences

  • Richard Pankhurst
  • Adi Huka


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C. Tutschek, Dictiollary of the Galla Lallguage (Munich, 1844-5);A Grammar of the Galla Lallguage (Munich, 1845). See also K. Bayerische
Akademie der wissenschaften, Gelehrte Anzeigen, March 18, 19, 20 and 23,Nos. 55, 56, 57 and 58, cols 441-8, 449-56, 57-64, 65-6.
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Munchen, Hafuri Kan Agar Akafede f Amanati,December 22, 1840. A.H. 's translation from the Oromo.
Thanks are, however, due to Dr. Volker Stitz for help in deciphering certain passages of Tutschek's script.
R. Pankhurst, "The Ethiopian Slave Trade in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries," Journal of Semitic Studies (1964), IX, No. I, pp.220-8.
Aga to Akafede, October 19, 1840.
Tutschek, A Grammar of the Galin Language, p. 74.
Akafede to Aga, October 21, 1840. See also Tutschek, A Grammar of the Galla Language, p. 91.
Aga to Akafede, October 26, 1840.
D.Levine, Wax and Gold (Chicago, 1965), p. 224.
Tutschek, Dictionary of the Galla Language, I, 8.
Aga to Akafede, November 6, 1840.
Tutschek, Dictionary of the Galla Language, I, 53.
Aga to Akafede, October 23, 1840.
Aga to Akafede, November 3,1840.
Akafede to Aga, October 28,1840.
Akafede to Aga, October 28, 1840.
Aga to Akafede, October 29, 1840.
Aga to Akafede, October 26, 1840.
Aga to Akafede, November 3,1840.
Aga to Akafede, November 3, 1840.
Akafede to Aga, November 6, 1840.
The term Jurbu appears to be a reference to Tutschek or to the Germans among whom Akafede was living.
Aga to Akafede, November 6, 1840.
Akafede to Aga, November 8, 1840.
Tutschek, Dictionary of the Galla Language, I, xii.