Reading vocabulary levels in freshman textbooks at the National University and the implications for materials selection in English Language service courses.

  • Vivienne Mosback


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--Shaw, John with Janet Shaw. The New Horizon Ladder Dictionary 0/ the English Language. New York: Signet Classics, The New American Library, 1970.
--Thorndike, Edward L. and Irving Lorge. The Teacher's Word Book 0/30,000 Words. New York: Teachers' COllege, Columbia University, 1944.
--West, Michael. A General Service List 0/ English Words. London: Longmans,1953.Data from the following textbooks:
--Broom Leonard and Philip Selznick. Sociology. A Text with Adapted Readings. Fourth Edition. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.
--Jones, A.H.M. and Elizabeth Monroe. A History o.fElhiopia. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1935.
--Mesfin WOlde-Mariam. All III/roc/Ilctory Geography of Ethiopia. Addis Abeba: H.S.I.U. Press, 1972.
--Morgan, Clifford T. and Richard A. King. Introduclion to Psychology. Third Edition. New York : McGraw Hill Book Company, 1956.
--SamueI30n, Paul A. Ecollomics. All Introductory Analysis. Fifth Edition. Tokyo : McGraw Hill Book Company Inc., Kogakusha Co-Ltd., 1961.
--Ullandorff, Edward. The Ethiopians. All Illtrodll( tioll to Country anc/ People.Second Edition. London : O.U.P., 1965.
--Walsh, Joseph B., S.J. Logic. New York: Fordham University Press, 1940.