The Role of The Supervisor in Improving. The Elementary School Curriculum

  • Azeb Desta


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1 . Ben M. Harris, Supervisory Beh4vior in Education, Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1963, p. 13.
2. Yohannes Asrat , Elementary School Supervisor in Shoa Provincial Education Office (Bound 4th Year Essay), H.SJ.U., Addis Ababa, May 1968, p. 21.
3. Tesfaye Redda, supervision in Ethiopian E1ementIJry Education (Bound 4th Year Essay}, H.S.I.U., Addis Ababa, June 1969, p. 26.4. Ibid., p. 30.
5. Richard and Rita Pankhurst (editors). Ethiopia Oh8erver, VIII, 1 (l964), p. 15.
6. Ayalew Gabre Selassle, l'he 6-2-4 School Structure und justification (mimeographed), Ministry of Education (Addis Ababa, March 13, 1964), p. 1.
7. A.D. Wodruff and G.S. Jaoobsen, Recwe,ystnenl at Needs for EauC4tionol Development
Rne pEotrhti)o, pFiae ba. n1d9 6R7,e cpo. m3m. endattcn of New ObJectIves and Dlfectl0t15. (mimeographed)
8. Aklilu Habto. Educational Reform ill Ethiopia. The Challenge of the Centurygntphed) H.s .I. U., Addis Ababa, 1986-67.
9. Ayalew Gebre Selessie, Ibid.
10. Aynlew Gebre Selassie. Ibid. p. 26.
11. Though the Ministry took a forward step in HamIe, 1982 when it published a. Book and
Price List for the 1963 academic year.