The Interaction of Extroversion and Oral and Written Proficiency/ Achievement in English of First year AAU Students

  • Tilahun Assefa


This study investigated the relationship between students’ tendency towards extroversion and oral and written proficiency/ achievement scores of first year students at Addis Ababa University. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant relationship between subjects’ tendency towards extroversion and oral and written proficiency/achievement scores. In order to test the hypothesis, randomly selected students from thirteen
departments of the College of Education (four from Science and nine from social Sciences and Language Education) completed the personality questionnaire (EPI). Each student who completed the questionnaire was given oral and written proficiency tests. Then, the same subjects’ oral and achievement test scores were collected from individual instructors for comparison.
The findings showed that some of the correlation values such as those between extroversion and oral proficiency, extroversion and total proficiency, extroversion and income status of the subjects’ family, extroversion and FL anxiety are negatively significant.


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