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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Instruction to Authors

1. Scope:

The Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health (Ethiop J Ped Child Health) is an official organ of the Ethiopian Pediatric Society and regularly publishes merited scientific contributions in the broader field of pediatrics, child health and related to health and medicine with significance to Ethiopia and the World at large. Its broader mission is the advancement of evidence-based Pediatrics and Child Health academics, policy guidance, and care service standards. Regular and Special Supplemental Issues will form the standard publications of the Journal. Conditional to merit and timeliness, the Journal will accept Editorial, Policy Brief, Original Article, Review Article, Brief Communication, Case Study, Teaching Articles, Letters, etc. Review and Teaching Articles will get published upon specific invitation and recommendation by the Editorial Board. With the aim of ensuring highest possible publication quality and thus reputation, the journal will subject all submissions to independent rigorous review to inform decision for or against; minimum of two reviewers for Original Articles. The Editorial Board will guide as well as oversee the quality of the review of submitted manuscripts including the identification of the qualified expertise and acceptance or rejection of a contribution falls under the sole discretion of the Editorial Board. Also, the Editorial Board will implement the utmost effective, efficient, and objective possible review system. Equally, the Editorial Board will observe the fundamental ethical requirements along the review continuum.

2. Authorship, Acknowledgement, Ethics and Conflict(s) of Interest Policy:

Authorship roles and Acknowledgments need to get cleared upon merit right before submission. The Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health will require optimal ethical fulfillment of research processes and hence thereof products subject for possible publication. Likewise, a prior declaration of possible conflict of interest of the Author(s) is a standard requirement.

3. Uniformity of the Standard of Practice:

The Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health will follow uniformly applicable standards of practice including formats and style to which Contributing Author(s) are required to fulfill upon submission of a contribution.

4. Submission and Typescript:

All submissions are to get accepted only through the Editor-in-Chief together with a duly signed by all contributing members (Co-Authors) formal cover letter with clear declaration that the Manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Submission to the Editor-in-Chief may be made via regular and/or electronic mail enclosures. All forms of manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication must get typed on one side of an A-4 size paper, in double spacing and with 12 point font size, left 

side margin of 3 cm, right side margin of 1.0 cm, and top-bottom margins of 1.5 all across. Triple copies of the entire content are required upon hard copy-based submission.

5. Format and Style:

Overall, the Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health doe subscribes to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, i.e., Vancouver’s Uniformly Accepted Style which should include author’s or authors’ name (s) and initial (s), full title, correctly abbreviated name of the journal, year, volume number and first and last page numbers (list all authors if six or less; when seven or more list only first three and add et al) for Scientific Articles and Contributing Authors are required to meet the specified Style all across. Reference to a book should contain author’s (s’) name (s) and initials, title of chapter, name of editors, title or book, city and name of publisher, year, first and last page numbers.
For example:
i. Zorc J, Kiddoo D, Shaw K. Diagnosis and management of pediatric urinary tract infection. Clin Microbiology Rev 2005, 18: 417-22.
ii. T. Martin Barrat, Patrick Niaude. Clinical evaluation. In Pediatric Nephrology 5th edition. (Ellis D. Avner, William E. Harmon, Patrick Niaudet Ed). Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia 2004, 387-98.
Unless specifically advised, Manuscript contributions should comprise duly structured Abstract (not more than 250 words), concise enough Introduction, Subject and Methods, Results, Discussion, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables and/or Figures, and other pertinent parts. Abstracts whilst required to get structured accordingly by the main heading parts (Introduction, Subjects and Methods, Results, and Conclusion) will have to get submitted on separate sheet. The title page should contain (i) the title of the article, (ii) Author(s) full names, signature(s), degrees, designations, name of institution of affiliation of the piece of work, most current mailing address, telephone and e-mail contacts of each, and (iii) name and address of the Author to whom all correspondences should get directly addressed to.

6. Metric System and Scientific terms:

Where applicable the corresponding metric system of nomenclature should be used. All scientific terms should get stated as exactly appearing in the corresponding dictionary of reference for such. Both generic and trademark names may appear in the very first instance of describing a term but only the generic along the subsequent citations.

7. Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols:

All of the applicable abbreviations, acronyms and symbols are required to get spelled out in full at first appearance and the corresponding abbreviation, acronym and symbol indicated alongside in parenthesis.

8. Tables and Figures:

Like with all the other components of the Manuscript, Tables, Pictures, Figures and Charts are required to get submitted in triplicates; each should get typed and submitted in separate sheet; clarity and legibility of them are critical. Scientific paper format and style of Tables and Figures must get observed.

9. References:

Consistent to the specification of the Vancouver’s style, references should be numbered and listed consecutively; typed double-spaced and keyed (cited) to the corresponding text; Author(s) should ensure accuracy of every details of the reference quoted.

10. Galley Proof:

Galley Proof reading is a standard requirement in order to be able to correct possible editing and type errors in particular. Galley Proof review and revision is set at 98 hours or one week long of return at maximum. The Corresponding Author will take direct responsibility for fulfilling this requirement.

11. Copyright privileges:

Papers already accepted for publication in the Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics will automatically become the copy right of the Journal and hence Contributing Authors are required to clear through completing and signing the Copyright Form in accordance prior to actual publication.

12. Reprints:

Upon publication of the corresponding contribution, at a limit of 25 reprints of the specific issue will get supplied to the Corresponding Author.

13. Retention policy:

The Editorial Board reserves the right to retain rejected manuscripts.

14. Updates:

Prospective Contributing Author(s) are advised to regularly check both on the latest hard copy and web site versions of the Journal for possible progressive up-dates of the Guidance and Requirements.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.