Measles outbreak investigation in west Hararghie zone of Oromia region , Ethiopia ,2007

  • Kassahun Mitiku
  • Wendemagegn Kegne


This epidemic investigation was conducted in West Harargie zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The zone had a total population of 1,900,412 in 2007. Measles catch-up SIAs were conducted in 2002 followed by 2 rounds of follow up SIAs in 2005 and 2007 (with 93% administrative coverage in both rounds). The measles routine immunization administrative coverage has shown an improvement from 34% in 2002 to 71% in 2007. With an improving surveillance system there was no adequate documentation of measles outbreaks and mortality due to measles throughout the country. This paper describes the findings of an investigation of a confirmed measles outbreak in this zone between WHO epidemiological weeks 2 and 29 of 2007
A household retrospective surveys was conducted in 7 Woreda of west Harargie zone of Oromia region from 1August to 3 September 2007. A house-to-house search for measles cases was conducted in each village of the 8 Woredas where the measles epidemic was reported (from January to June of 2007). Guardian of the cases (ascertained based on the WHO cases definition) were interviewed based on the questionnaire. Data was collected by trained health workers. The data was checked by WHO surveillance officer. EPI2000 and SPSS statistical packages were used for data analysis. The investigation team carried out a time, place and person analysis, and estimated the case fatality rate, X2 test used whenever necessary.
A total of 718 cases were identified and interviewed during the survey period; of which 54% are males and the same percentage is under age of five years old. 84.4 % of the cases were from 3 Woredas. Among the investigated patients, 579 (80.6%) were unvaccinated for measles, 96 (13.2 %) reported to have received at least one dose of measles vaccine. There were a total of 48 (6.7%) deaths and the cases fatality rate was highest between 12 and 23 months of age and in subjects older than 14 years. the case fatality rate is higher among the non vaccinated children.
Conclusions & recommendations
Despite availability of measles vaccine unvaccinated children are dying and the notification efficiency is still low. The routine surveillance system picks only fewer deaths than found by the outbreak investigation report. The surveillance system needs to be expanded up to community level and the outbreaks need to investigate appropriately and fully to document all cases and deaths. Late out break response immunization didn’t help. Early Intensified routine and selective immunization might have a better result with lesser cost.


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World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa Guidelines for Measles Surveillance Revised December 2004 2. Federal Ministry of Health and WHO Ethiopia; National guideline for measles surveillance and outbreak investigation April 2007 3. Federal democratic Republic of Ethiopia population census commission Summary and Statistical Report of the 2007 Population and Housing Census 4. Federal Ministry of Health Annual report 2007/2008 5. SINGH J. DATTA K. K. Epidemiological considerations of the age distribution of measles in India. Journal of tropical pediatrics ISSN 0142-6338 CODEN JTRPAO: 1997, vol. 43, no2, pp. 111-115 6. TAKAYAMA NAOHIDE, Change in the Age-distribution of Measles Patients Admitted to Our Hospital from 1981 to 2002. Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases VOL.77; NO. 7; PAGE. 488-492(2003 7. Family Health department , Federal Ministry of Health in collaboration with WHO and UNICEF; evaluation of measles control activities including impact of SIAs in Ethiopia ( unpublished report) 8. Family health Department FMoH, WHO Ethiopia, and AU-MF; Measles Case fatality in Ethiopia – reported by Mesganaw Fantahun (MD,PhD) ; 2001( unpublished Report ) 9. Epidemiology of measles virus infection accesses on 20 Dec 2008 pp-3 10. D.H. WHO. Guidelines for Epidemic Preparedness and Response to Measles Outbreaks, eneva, February 1999; pp. 47