Quantitative Research: From Scholars’ Paradigm Debate to Students’ Psychological Anxiety
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Ary,D, Jacobs, L.C, & Sorensen,C,K. (2010). Introduction to Research in Education (8th ed). Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Becker, B. J. (1996). A look at the literature (and other resources) on teaching statistics. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 21(1), 71-90. Birenbaum, M., & Eylath, S. (1994). Who is afraid of statistics? Correlates of statistics anxiety among students of educational sciences. Educational Research, 36, 93-98. Benson, J. (1989). Structural components of statistical test anxiety in adults: An exploratory model. Journal of Experimental Education, 57, 247-261. Blumer, H. (1969) Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Broers, N. J. (2002). Selection and use of propositional knowledge in statistical problem solving. Learning and Instruction, 12(3), 323-344.
Busquin, P. (2001). Preface to: Towards a European research area. Key figures 2001. Special edition. Indicators for benchmarking of national research policies. European Commission, Research Directorate General. http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/area/ benchmarking2001.pdf Creswell, J, W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches (3rd ed). Los Angeles: Sage Publishers, Inc. Entwistle, N., McCune, V., & Walker, P. (2001). Conceptions, styles, and approaches within higher education: Analytic abstractions and everyday life. In R. J. Sternberg & L. Zhang (Eds.), Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles (pp. 103- 136). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Entwistle, N., & Ramsden, P. (1983). Understanding student learning. London: Croom Helm. Filinson, R., & Niklas, D. (1992). The research critique approach to educating sociology students. Teaching Sociology, 20, 129-134. Forte, J. (1995). Teaching statistics without sadistics. Journal of Social Work Education, 31(2), 204-308. Gal, I. (2000). The numeracy challenge. In I. Gal (Ed.), Adult numeracy development. Theory, research, practice. Dresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, inc.
Gal, I., & Ginsburg, L. (1994). The role of beliefs and attitudes in learning statistics: Towards an assessment framework. Journal of Statistics Education, 2(2). Retrieved from http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v2 n2/gal.html
Gal, I., Ginsburg, L., & Schau, C. (1997). Monitoring attitudes and beliefs in statistics education. In I. Gal & J. B. Garfield (Eds.), The assessment challenge in statistics education (pp.37-51). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Garfinkel, H. (1967) .Studies in Ethno-methodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
Gardner, P. L., & Hudson, I. (1999). University students’ ability to apply statistical procedures. Journal of Statistics Education, 7(1). Retrieved from http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/se cure/v7n1/gardner.cfm Garfield, J., & Ahlgren, A. (1988). Difficulties in learning basic concepts in probability and statistics: Implications for research. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 19(1), 44-63. Green, R. G., Bretzin, A., Leininger, C., & Stauffer, R. (2001). Research learning attributes of graduate students in social work, psychology, and business. Journal of Social Work Education, 37(2), 333-341. Greer, B. (2000). Statistical thinking and learning. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2(1&2), 1-9. Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 105–117). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hatch,J.A. (2002). Doing Qualitative Research in Educational Settings. Albany: State University of New York
Hitchcock, G., & Hughes, D. (1995). Research and the Teacher: A Qualitative Introduction to School-based Research. London: Routledge.
Jackson, M, C. (2003). Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers. Chichester: John Wiley & SonsLtd. Johnson, B and Christensen, L. (2004). Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Approaches (2nd ed).Boston: Pearson education, Inc. Kelly, M. (1992). Teaching statistics to biologists. Journal of Biological Education, 26(3), 200-203. Kiley, M., & Mullins, G. (2005). Supervisors’ conceptions of research: What are they? Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49(3), 245-262. Kothari,C,R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (2nd ed).New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers. Kuhn, T. S. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (2000). Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions and Emerging confluences. In: Denzin, N,K and Lincoln,Y,S (eds). Hand book of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.pp, 163-188
Lakoff, G., & Núñez, R. (1997). The metaphorical structure of mathematics: sketching out cognitive foundations for a mind-based mathematics. In L. English (Ed.), Mathematical reasoning: Analogies, metaphors, and images (pp. 21-89). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Lehtinen, E. & Rui, E. (1995). Computer supported complex learning: An environment for learning experimental methods and statistical inference. Machine Mediated Learning, 5(3&4), 149-175. Lindblom-Ylänne, S., & Lonka, K. (1999). Individual ways of interacting with the learning environment - are they related to study success? Learning and Instruction, 9(1), 1-18. Lonka, K., & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (1996). Epistemologies, conceptions of learning, and study practices in medicine and psychology. Higher Education, 31, 5-24. Marasinghe, M. G. (1996). Using graphs and simulations to teach statistical concepts. American Statistician, 50(4), 342-351. Mayer, R. E. (2000). What is the place of science in educational research? Educational Researcher, 29(6), 38-39. McGinn, M. K. & Roth, W-M. (1999). Preparing students for competent scientific practice: Implications of recent research in science and technology studies. Educational Researcher, 28(3), 14-24. McKenna, M. C., Robinson, R., & Miller, J. (1990). Whole language: A research agenda for the nineties. Educational Researcher, 19(8), 3-6. Murtonen,M. (2005). Learning of Quantitative research methods-University students views, motivation and difficulties in learning. University of Turku, Faculty of education, unpublished dissertation. Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (1997). Writing a research proposal: The role of library anxiety, statistics anxiety, and composition anxiety. Library & Information Science Research, 19(1), 5-33.
Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2000). Statistics anxiety and the role of self-perceptions. Journal of Educational Research, 93(5), 323-330. Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Daley, C. E. (1998). The relationship between learning styles and statistics anxiety in a research methodology course. A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, April, 13, San Diego, CA. Royse, D., & Rompf, E. L. (1992). Math anxiety: A comparison of social work and non-social work students. Journal of Social Work Education, 28, 270-277.
Saeidi, S. (2002). Research Approaches and Data Collection Techniques. Skills for Learning Leeds Metropolitan University. Retrieved on 10 October from http://www.lmu.ac.uk/lskills/. Townsend, M. A. R., Moore, D. W., Tuck, B. F., & Wilton, K. M. (1998). Self-concept and anxiety in university students studying social science statistics within a co-operative learning structure. Educational Psychology, 18(1), 41-54. Tynjälä, P., Helle, L., & Murtonen, M. (2002). A comparison of students' and experts' beliefs concerning the nature of expertise. In E. Pantzar (ed.), Perspectives on the age of the information society (pp. 29-49). Reports of the Information Research Programme of the Academy of Finland, 6. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Siegel, D. H. (1983). Can research and practice be integrated in social work education? Journal of Education for Social Work, 19(3), 12- 19. Smith, J. K. (1997). The stories educational researchers tell about themselves. Educational Researcher, 26(5), 4-11.
Snow, C. P. (1964). The two cultures: A second look. Cambridge: University Press. Vanderstoep, S, W. and Johnston, D, D. (2009). Research Methods for Everyday Life: Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Watts, D. G. (1991). Why is introductory statistics difficult to learn? And what can we do to make it easier? American Statistician, 45(4), 290-291. Wilson, W. C., & Rosenthal, B. S. (1992). Anxiety and performance in an MSW research and statistics course. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 6(2), 75-85. Zanakis, S. H., & Valenzi, E. R. (1997). Student anxiety and attitudes in business statistics. Journal of Education for Business, 73(1), 10-16. Zeidner, M. (1991). Statistics and mathematics anxiety in social science students: some interesting parallels. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 61, 319-328.
Busquin, P. (2001). Preface to: Towards a European research area. Key figures 2001. Special edition. Indicators for benchmarking of national research policies. European Commission, Research Directorate General. http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/area/ benchmarking2001.pdf Creswell, J, W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches (3rd ed). Los Angeles: Sage Publishers, Inc. Entwistle, N., McCune, V., & Walker, P. (2001). Conceptions, styles, and approaches within higher education: Analytic abstractions and everyday life. In R. J. Sternberg & L. Zhang (Eds.), Perspectives on thinking, learning, and cognitive styles (pp. 103- 136). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Entwistle, N., & Ramsden, P. (1983). Understanding student learning. London: Croom Helm. Filinson, R., & Niklas, D. (1992). The research critique approach to educating sociology students. Teaching Sociology, 20, 129-134. Forte, J. (1995). Teaching statistics without sadistics. Journal of Social Work Education, 31(2), 204-308. Gal, I. (2000). The numeracy challenge. In I. Gal (Ed.), Adult numeracy development. Theory, research, practice. Dresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, inc.
Gal, I., & Ginsburg, L. (1994). The role of beliefs and attitudes in learning statistics: Towards an assessment framework. Journal of Statistics Education, 2(2). Retrieved from http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v2 n2/gal.html
Gal, I., Ginsburg, L., & Schau, C. (1997). Monitoring attitudes and beliefs in statistics education. In I. Gal & J. B. Garfield (Eds.), The assessment challenge in statistics education (pp.37-51). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Garfinkel, H. (1967) .Studies in Ethno-methodology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
Gardner, P. L., & Hudson, I. (1999). University students’ ability to apply statistical procedures. Journal of Statistics Education, 7(1). Retrieved from http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/se cure/v7n1/gardner.cfm Garfield, J., & Ahlgren, A. (1988). Difficulties in learning basic concepts in probability and statistics: Implications for research. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 19(1), 44-63. Green, R. G., Bretzin, A., Leininger, C., & Stauffer, R. (2001). Research learning attributes of graduate students in social work, psychology, and business. Journal of Social Work Education, 37(2), 333-341. Greer, B. (2000). Statistical thinking and learning. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2(1&2), 1-9. Guba, E. G., & Lincoln, Y. S. (1994). Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 105–117). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hatch,J.A. (2002). Doing Qualitative Research in Educational Settings. Albany: State University of New York
Hitchcock, G., & Hughes, D. (1995). Research and the Teacher: A Qualitative Introduction to School-based Research. London: Routledge.
Jackson, M, C. (2003). Systems Thinking: Creative Holism for Managers. Chichester: John Wiley & SonsLtd. Johnson, B and Christensen, L. (2004). Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Approaches (2nd ed).Boston: Pearson education, Inc. Kelly, M. (1992). Teaching statistics to biologists. Journal of Biological Education, 26(3), 200-203. Kiley, M., & Mullins, G. (2005). Supervisors’ conceptions of research: What are they? Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49(3), 245-262. Kothari,C,R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (2nd ed).New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers. Kuhn, T. S. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (2000). Paradigmatic Controversies, Contradictions and Emerging confluences. In: Denzin, N,K and Lincoln,Y,S (eds). Hand book of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.pp, 163-188
Lakoff, G., & Núñez, R. (1997). The metaphorical structure of mathematics: sketching out cognitive foundations for a mind-based mathematics. In L. English (Ed.), Mathematical reasoning: Analogies, metaphors, and images (pp. 21-89). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Lehtinen, E. & Rui, E. (1995). Computer supported complex learning: An environment for learning experimental methods and statistical inference. Machine Mediated Learning, 5(3&4), 149-175. Lindblom-Ylänne, S., & Lonka, K. (1999). Individual ways of interacting with the learning environment - are they related to study success? Learning and Instruction, 9(1), 1-18. Lonka, K., & Lindblom-Ylänne, S. (1996). Epistemologies, conceptions of learning, and study practices in medicine and psychology. Higher Education, 31, 5-24. Marasinghe, M. G. (1996). Using graphs and simulations to teach statistical concepts. American Statistician, 50(4), 342-351. Mayer, R. E. (2000). What is the place of science in educational research? Educational Researcher, 29(6), 38-39. McGinn, M. K. & Roth, W-M. (1999). Preparing students for competent scientific practice: Implications of recent research in science and technology studies. Educational Researcher, 28(3), 14-24. McKenna, M. C., Robinson, R., & Miller, J. (1990). Whole language: A research agenda for the nineties. Educational Researcher, 19(8), 3-6. Murtonen,M. (2005). Learning of Quantitative research methods-University students views, motivation and difficulties in learning. University of Turku, Faculty of education, unpublished dissertation. Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (1997). Writing a research proposal: The role of library anxiety, statistics anxiety, and composition anxiety. Library & Information Science Research, 19(1), 5-33.
Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2000). Statistics anxiety and the role of self-perceptions. Journal of Educational Research, 93(5), 323-330. Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Daley, C. E. (1998). The relationship between learning styles and statistics anxiety in a research methodology course. A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, April, 13, San Diego, CA. Royse, D., & Rompf, E. L. (1992). Math anxiety: A comparison of social work and non-social work students. Journal of Social Work Education, 28, 270-277.
Saeidi, S. (2002). Research Approaches and Data Collection Techniques. Skills for Learning Leeds Metropolitan University. Retrieved on 10 October from http://www.lmu.ac.uk/lskills/. Townsend, M. A. R., Moore, D. W., Tuck, B. F., & Wilton, K. M. (1998). Self-concept and anxiety in university students studying social science statistics within a co-operative learning structure. Educational Psychology, 18(1), 41-54. Tynjälä, P., Helle, L., & Murtonen, M. (2002). A comparison of students' and experts' beliefs concerning the nature of expertise. In E. Pantzar (ed.), Perspectives on the age of the information society (pp. 29-49). Reports of the Information Research Programme of the Academy of Finland, 6. Tampere: Tampere University Press. Siegel, D. H. (1983). Can research and practice be integrated in social work education? Journal of Education for Social Work, 19(3), 12- 19. Smith, J. K. (1997). The stories educational researchers tell about themselves. Educational Researcher, 26(5), 4-11.
Snow, C. P. (1964). The two cultures: A second look. Cambridge: University Press. Vanderstoep, S, W. and Johnston, D, D. (2009). Research Methods for Everyday Life: Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Watts, D. G. (1991). Why is introductory statistics difficult to learn? And what can we do to make it easier? American Statistician, 45(4), 290-291. Wilson, W. C., & Rosenthal, B. S. (1992). Anxiety and performance in an MSW research and statistics course. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 6(2), 75-85. Zanakis, S. H., & Valenzi, E. R. (1997). Student anxiety and attitudes in business statistics. Journal of Education for Business, 73(1), 10-16. Zeidner, M. (1991). Statistics and mathematics anxiety in social science students: some interesting parallels. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 61, 319-328.