Communication Theories and Instructional Practice: A Limited-Effects Perspective

  • Amare Asgedom


Review of recent communication literature points out that the "audience have more "power" in determining communication effects. Any
incongruence (mismatch) between communication messages and audience predispositions, wants and needs, etc., has been found to result in the active
junctionin8 of the "selective processes" which in turn result in mediating communication effects. onsequently many contemporary communication
researchers seem to adopt the theory of "Minimum Communication Effects " but are still very much puzzled by the two commu~ication policies: "give-them-whatthey- need" and "give-them-what-they-want". Literature on instructional theory reflects the two approaches - the teacher-centered and the student-centeredremaining in balance. Research on actual instructional activity, however, suggests the former as the most dominant one. Any attempt to address problems of instruction needs, to co.ns~der the requirements of communication in the actual instructional activity.


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