Lithological and Structural Controls on the Development of Aquifer in Basement Rock Dominated Tsalit- Ira River Basin, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
Lithological and structural controls on the development of aquifers in low-grade Neoproterozoic rocks in Tsalit–Ira River Basin, northern Ethiopia are discussed in this paper. Metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks represent the low grade basement rocks and are overlain by younger sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Fractures, joints, foliations, faults and shear zones are prominent and dominate secondary structures. Four areas, potential for groundwater are identified using structure and borehole data. They are moderate (Alluvial sediments), moderate to low (volcanics), low (sedimentary rocks) and low to weak potentiality aquifers (basement rocks). Based on borehole and structure data presence of multilayer aquifers, their thickness and productivity are suggested.
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