Evaluation of Land Suitability for Selected Tree Species in the Mesozoic Highlands of Ethiopia
This paper aimed at evaluating the potential of the different soil attributes for plantation of selected forest trees (Faidherbia albida, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Balanitus aegiptica) dominantly grown in the northern highlands of Ethiopia. The study was conducted at Korir watershed, northern Ethiopia. The method used to evaluate the land suitability was based on the FAO approach for land evaluation for forestry. The results of the evaluation revealed that suitability classes of these trees range from highly suitable (S1) to permanently not suitable (N). Eucalyptus camaldulensis was highly suitable on the relatively gentle valley bottom and foot slope (6% of the area) having greater soil depth while unsuitable in majority (about 58%) of the area. Both Faidherbia albida and Balanitus aegyptiaca were suitable in more than 85% of the study area. The major limiting factors were the steep slope and shallow soil depth in major part of the area. Hence, evaluating the land potential for individual species and assigning these species based on their land requirements should be done before plantation so as to increase the trees' survival rate.
Bekele, M. 2011. Forest Plantations and Woodlots in Ethiopia: a platform for stakeholders in African Forestry. African Forest Forum Working Paper Series, volume 1, issue 12, Nairobi, Kenya, 56p.
FAO. 1984. Guidelines: Land evaluation for forestry. FAO Soils Bulletin, No. 48, Rome, 123p.
FAO. 1995. Planning for sustainable use of land resources towards a new approach. FAO land and water Bulletin 2. Food and Agricultural organizations of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
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