Prospective Teachers' Sense of Efficacy and Beliefs about Managing Students: Implications for Professional Development of Teachers

  • Reda Darge


This study examined relations of prospective teachers' sense of efficacy to their beliefs about managing students. The data for the study was collected from 94 fourth year students in the pre-service teacher education program at Bahir Dar University in 2002/2003 academic year. Indices of efficacy and classroom control variables were measured by employing scales. Analysis involving correlation suggested that teaching efficacy was significantly correlated with pupil control ideology and motivational orientation. Neither teaching efficacy nor personal efficacy was related to bureaucratic orientation. Analysis involving mainly multiple regressions revealed that teaching efficacy and the interaction of teaching and personal efficacy made unique contribution to the prediction of pupil control ideology and motivational orientation. The findings suggested the desirability of developing programs that would help teachers enhance their feelings of efficacy during the formative pre-service and early in-service years.


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