Patterns of Student Absenteeism in Addis Ababa Government Senior High Schools and Considerations for Containment

  • Darge Wole


Patterns of student absenteeism in government senior
high schools of Addis Ababa for the 1997198 academic year
were investigated using discreetly selected attendance registers
as well as questionnaire and interview. Analysis of attendance
records regarding 754 female and 751 male students in 18 grade
9 to 11 sections of three schools, and the opinions of selected
students and academic staff in the concerned schools identified
comparatively higher rates of student absenteeism on Mondays
(among weekdays), the afternoon shift (relative to the morning
shift), April (among six months), the second semester (as
compared to the first), males vis-a-vis females, and gth and 11th
graders (in contrast to 1fih graders). Causes and possible
remedial actions regarding the problem, including those
forwarded by respondents, are assessed specially from the
practical viewpoint.


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