Description :
Ethiopian Journal of Environment and Development (EJED) is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. Please see the journal's Aims & Scope for information about its focus and peer-review policy. EJED accepts the following types of article: Research Paper, Short Research Paper, Short Communication, Research Letter, Review or Book Review.
- Research Papers are full-length articles that contain new and significant findings.
- Short Research Papers should contain new findings of exceptional interest and novelty.
- Short Communications should present significant new information to readers in a short but complete form.
- Research Letters should make a positive impact on the subject by either contributing new and original information or through provision of theoretical, methodological or commentary material that acts to strengthen the subject.
- Forum papers are succinct, innovative viewpoints on topics that fall within the journal's scope. They can be thought-provoking essays that highlight new ideas, or present conceptual developments of relevance to environment and development nexus.
- Reviews are published only after an invitation from the Editors.
- Book Reviews will be included for relevant books that are less than three years old.
Manuscripts that contain new and significant findings are welcome. Should any related papers be in press or submitted elsewhere, the authors are requested to give details on submission.
Aims and scope:
Sustainable development is now of primary importance as the key to future use and management of finite world resources. It recognizes the need for development opportunities while maintaining a balance between these and the environment. The Ethiopian Journal of Environment and Development (EJED) is hosted by Dilla University and has proved to be an exciting forum for understanding and advancing our knowledge and implementation of environmentally resilient sustainable development.
EJED is a multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the complex interactions which occur between development and environment, and its purpose is to seek ways and means for achieving sustainability in all human activities and the environment aimed at such development. The Journal also seeks to further research and debate on the nexus of environment and development issues at the local, national, regional (particularly in the Horn and Sub-Saharan Africa), and international levels. The subject matter of the journal includes the following and related issues:
- mutual interactions among society, development and environment, and their implications for sustainable development
- technical, economic, ethical and philosophical aspects of sustainable development
- local and regional sustainability initiatives, their practical implementation, and relevance for use in a wider context
- development and application of indicators of sustainability
- development, verification, implementation and monitoring of policies for sustainable development
- sustainable use of land, water, energy and biological resources in development
- impacts of agriculture and forestry activities on soil and aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity
- effects of energy use and global climate change on development and sustainability
- impacts of population growth and human activities on food and other essential resources for development
- role of national and international agencies, and of international aid and trade arrangements in sustainable development
- social and cultural contexts of sustainable development
- role of education and public awareness in sustainable development
- role of political and economic instruments in sustainable development
- shortcomings of sustainable development and its alternatives
The journal welcomes scientific research papers, review papers and discussion papers dealing with environmental sustainability issues from such fields as the biological sciences, agriculture, forestry, geology, meteorology, energy, food sciences, soil and water sciences, geography, nutrition, physical sciences, politics, economics, law, etc. The journal particularly welcomes papers that highlight more than one dimension of the nexus between environment and development.