The principal environmental problem in Ethiopia is land degradation in the form of severe soil erosion, gully formation and soil fertility loss. To overcome this problem, promoting appropriate land management technologies are best options. However, farmers’ decisions to use land management practices are determined by complex factor. Thus, this study was conducted in Gindara watershed with the objective of analyzing the status of farmers’ choice of improved land management practices and investigating determinants of farmers’ decisions to use improved land management practices. The total of 286 samples household heads were selected using randomly sampling procedure with sample size allocation procedures of probability proportional to size method. Data were gathered through questionnaires, key informant interview, field observation and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed and presented quantitatively using different statistical methods such as percentage, mean, frequency, Chi-square (categorical variables ) and (F-test for continuous variables), F-test and Chi-square test were employed to test the variation of the sample respondents towards farmers’ decisions to use improved land management practices and also used to describe the patterns of the sample data. The result of multinomial logic model indicated that respondent’ level of education, family size, access of credit, off-farm income, farm size and land tenure security of the households were positively and significantly determined farmers’ decision to use fanyajuu. The result also revealed that farmers' educational level, family size, access of credit, off-farm income, farm size, extension services and slope of farmland were positively correlated and significantly determined farmers' decision to use stone bund. Based on the finding of the current study, it is recommended that agricultural extension service workers should give due attention to these variables, which may greatly contributes farmers' decision to use improved land management technologies.